Little lamb
It seems like I have been waiting forever for Bonnie to have her lamb. I have been watching her belly grow for the last few months with the hope that she would have ewes so I could grow my herd of sheep.I was so sure she was going to have twins and every day I would be out in the field looking at her lady parts hoping to see some signs of impending lambing. Finally, one morning I saw her standing by herself and I knew that she was laboring. I moved her to the barn thinking it would be a while, but when I came out two hours later, there was a little white lamb on the ground.
I really only have experience with dogs, cats and goats having babies and I didn't think sheep could be that much different, but they are. I kept waiting for the contractions to start up again for the next lamb but they never did. There was only going to be one lamb. I cautiously walked over to the little one so I could see if it was a boy or a girl, all the while secretly hoping for a girl and not trying to disturb Bonnie. I couldn't get over how little it was even though Bonnie seemed huge.
Much to my excitement, it was a girl. I am overjoyed that I get to keep this little fluffy ewe. She is so cute and seems to be very friendly right from the start. I will be adding three more ewes to the herd next week so she will have a few friends.
I have been walking around with my camera the last couple of days trying to get close enough to take pictures of her. Duckie has decided she wants to photo bomb me. I think Duckie Is jealous of all the attention the lamb is getting.
Now I need to come up with a name for this little one. I am waiting to see what her personality shows before I commit to a name on paper. I will just continue to enjoy her cuteness before I decide.
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