Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016

Happy New Year 2016!  I can't believe we are starting a new year already, it seems like we just started 2015 not long ago.  I have been trying to figure out what I want to accomplish in the coming months.  I have never been good at making resolutions so I won't try this year.  Instead, I am going to make a couple of goals to accomplish on the farm.

I decided to pick a word that I could use as a theme all year long. In this case, it's organization.  I really want to organize my farm, my home and my life.  I always start out with being organized, but then I get too busy to keep it that way, or I just get too lazy and don't care anymore.  I don't want to be that way any longer. When the clutter or mess is staring me in the face, I feel stressed and that leads me down a pigeon hole of frustration and anxiety.

So I will start with the farm.  I have a definite idea of what I want this place to look like, and the way it is now is not the way I want it to be.  I want fencing to go up, garden boxes built, shelves in my barn for medical and supplement storage, and grass seed spread around the pastures. In the end, I want everything to have a neat and somewhat clean home.  I know with a farm nothing will ever be clean, but I can hope.

In my house, I want the painting to be finished inside and out as well as my washer and dryer hooked up, and not just to a hose. I would also like to figure a way to have a pantry in the kitchen and maybe put doors on the bedroom closets so we don't see all the clothes and whatnots.

In my life, I want to keep better record of the feed bill for the animals, egg records and sales, the money going out and coming in from the farm, garden productions, and the development of healthy household products to sell locally.  I hope to give my grandsons who will be here homeschooling a more flexible, but thorough eduction than I gave my kids. Not to say that my kids didn't have a great educational experience, but I have learned a lot along the way.

I also want to find more time to knit.  I know that may sound like a random thing to throw in the mix, but I really love knitting and I would like to see if I can make some things that I could sell to help with some of the costs of running this place.  

The new year holds a lot of promise for me and I hope I haven't made it too difficult to reach some if not all of these goals.  It is just the hubby and me here so it may take more than a year to achieve some of the bigger goals, but we work really well together (most of the time) so I have high hopes that it will get done.


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